Phil Elson is back from the Dude Ranch, today's guest Bob Holt 11:30, Chris Mortensen, 12:30 plus Halftime Homework.
Drew Barrett and Matt Travis with today's guests Clay Henry at 11:30, Bill King at 12:30 and Change My Mind.
Call or text into Halftime, at 877-377-6963. Today's guests are Connor O'Gara at 11:30, Keith Smith at 12:30, 3 up 3 down.
Today's guests include David Cobb at 11:30, Aaron Torres at 12:30 and, of course, Dumas of the Week.
Guests include Clay Henry at 11:30, Bill King at 12:30 and Change My Mind plus the obvious — Texas, Oklahoma.
Call or text into Halftime, at 877-377-6963. Today's Guests: Connor O'Gara at 11:30, Jason Carroll, 3 up 3 down.
Call or text into Halftime at 877-377-6963 with guests Aaron Torres, Brent Beaird and Halftime Homework.
Phil Elson, Drew Barrett, Matt Travis on the Hogs after big commitment, The Open, major league baseball and more!
Phil Elson, Drew Barrett and Matt Travis on Halftime talking with Olin Buchanan on Aggies, Danny West from HawgSports.
Phil Elson, Drew Barrett joined by Democrat-Gazette's Matt Jones looking at players being selected in today's Major League Draft.
Watch Halftime with Phil Elson, Drew Barrett and Matt Travis LIVE on ESPN Arkansas with Democrat-Gazette writer Bob Holt.