Guests: Dudley Dawson, Bubba Carpenter and Brett Dolan
Call or text in 877-377-6963
Also looking at college football with spring practice around corner and expectations for Razorbacks' quarterback Taylen Green
Guests: Grant Hall and Clay Henry
As Razorbacks' forward continues to play below expectations, you have to wonder if he's having fun on floor these days
Call or text in 877-377-6963
Guests: Alyssa Orange (PigTrail Nation) and Bill King (Nashville Sports Radio)
Call or text in 877-377-6963
Plus former Hogs quarterback Matt Jones asks longtime sportscaster some rather interesting questions, what may happen with NCAA
Along with Big Ten, conference talking and trying to resolve things that will change college football, even for Razorbacks
Guests: Mike Irwin (PigTrail Nation), Dr. Charles Liggett (River Valley Smile Center), Kat Anderson (Executive Director of NWA Home Builders) and Connor O’Gara (Saturday Down South)