With a few more days left before a final decision, looking at Davonte Davis coming back to Razorbacks.
Guests- Mike Irwin & Connor O’Gara Phil’s in Hoover with the Hogs; Softball Knocked Out at Home; Brooks Wins PGA #Arkansas #ArkansasRazorbacks #Hogs #Hawgs #WPS #ArkansasRazorbacksPodcast...
11:15 – Mike Irwin 1:15 – Connor O’Gara Phil’s in Hoover with the Hogs; Softball Knocked Out at Home; Brooks Wins PGA Call or text, 877-377-6963
Pitching staff development this year has been really good and rest of team just keeps finding ways to keep winning.
Hogs coach Eric Musselman has fans' hopes and dreams nearly back to where they reached in Nolan Richardson era.
Guests- Mike Irwin & Connor O’Gara Hogs Sweep Miss State, Now In 1st Place; Happy Monday
11:15 – Mike Irwin 1:15 – Connor O’Gara Hogs Sweep Miss State, Now In 1st Place; Happy Monday Call or text, 877-377-6963
With weekend sweep, fans should be enjoying Saturday's win over Texas A&M that came late, killing hopes of comeback.
Guests- Mike Irwin & Connor O’Gara Hogs Sweep Aggies! Sanders/Stromberg Third Round; RIP Mike Shannon
A little change here and there had an effect as the Hogs lost three straight games against Georgia over weekend.
Guests- Mike Irwin & Connor O’Gara Hogs Swept at UGA In Heartbreaking Fashion; Injuries Piling Up; Football Picks Up TE Tranfer; Goforth Returning to WBB