The Net rankings are out, but don't worry about Hogs' early schedule because it might help at end of season.
Burlsworth to Morgan! Broyles Award today! Hogs on Hardwood Tonight; Get Off My Lawn and more! Guest- Nate Olson & Curtis Wilkerson
11:30 – Nate Olson 12:30 – Curt Wilkerson Burlsworth to Morgan! Broyles Award today! Hogs on Hardwood Tonight; Get Off My Lawn and more! Call or...
The Morning Rush is live on a Toyota Tuesday!!!
Despite being one of just 12 undefeated teams, Arkansas won two games and still dropped in the Associated Press poll.
The Razorbacks are headed to Florida for New Year's Day game with Penn State plus Connor O'Gara and more!
Still fixing issues to get better, particularly on defense that didn't play consistent over 40 minutes.
Team did what he wanted until Arkansas finally pulled away late in loss Saturday afternoon at Bud Walton Arena.
Toney (18 points, 8 rebounds) tied with JD Noate for high-point total in 93-78 win over Little Rock.
The Morning Rush is live on a Football Friday!!
Good to see Stanley Umude starting to score more, how Razorbacks coming together through 6-0 start to year.