With Max Fletcher transferring and Cam Little off to NFL, Fountain having to start with little experience punting and kicking.
Bale on getting put on scholarship and Stein on what he's done to achieve consistency on snaps for kickers.
We cover training camp, new NFL kickoff rules and other sports related content that will make you happy.
Kaylen Brown anchors new world record time at Olympics in Paris for USA relay team in prelims Friday afternoon.
ESPN Recruiting Director Paul Biancardi on going against Cal, Coach in his Prime, the current Arkansas roster and more!
Morgan Turner on his group's development through summer and Thursday's practice moving indoors early in fall camp.
Hogs' Luke Hasz, Ty Washington and Var'keyes Gumms with the media on not having to deal with searing temperatures.
We talk about what you can learn about culture early on (if anything), why Ruscin cares too much and we have a chat with Chuck Barrett...
Presented by Weichert Realtors, The Griffin Company
Kane Archer joins us in studio to discuss Greenwood in 2024, what he's been working on, his brother Cash and more!
What they saw in the first practice, dealing with the heat and being back on field after long summer workouts.