Nashville Sports Radio's Bill King says who he thinks may be the odds-on favorite to get top 2023 quarterback.
Hogs Pro Day; You Play To Win…Always; SEC Spring QB Battles; What Kourtney Kardashian and Phil Elson have in common. Guest- Clay Henry, Tye Richardson &...
Pig Trail Nation's Mike Irwin on being one of senior members in media, how seeding really isn't a big deal.
11:30 – Mike Irwin SEC Basketball Awards! JD/Jaylin = Scotty/Corliss? Poutine is not Putin Call or text, 877-377-6963
Eric Musselman's use of transfer portal is something others are trying, plus what Brian Kelly is doing at LSU.
SEC Basketball Awards! Championship Week Starts Most Annoying Fan Stories; OmaHogs Do 2-Out-of-3 Again. Guest- Connor O’Gara
11:30 – Connor O’Gara SEC Basketball Awards! Championship Week Starts Most Annoying Fan Stories; OmaHogs Do 2-Out-of-3 Again. Call or text, 877-377-6963
11:30 – David Cobb 12:30 – Mason Choate No Phil today. WBB in Nashville! Hogs vs. Vols, BSB,CBB,Golden Hour and more! Call or text, 877-377-6963
11:30 -Bob Holt 12:00- Clayton Collier 12:30 – Bob Carpenter No Phil today. WBB in Nashville! Hogs beat LSU, BSB gets the W, CBB,MLB and more...
11:30 – Clay Henry 12:30 – Bill King WBB in Nashville! MBB battles LSU; Baseball Home for 13 and much more! Call or text, 877-377-6963
Phil Elson and Drew Barrett talk all things Razorbacks from their big win against the cats to Hogs baseball. Also talk MLB and College Football with...