Phil Elson and Tye Richardson hit on the hogs not having Ty Storey, plus interview coach Matt Zimmerman!
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson discuss Kelly Bryant's weekend, plus Tulsa play-by-play broadcaster Bruce Howard!
Phil and Tye discuss how important Ty Storey is to the team, interview Bubba Carpenter and more!
Phil Elson & Tye Richardson discuss Chad Morris/players talking injuries, Get Off My Lawn, and Nikki Chavanelle!
Phil and Tye discuss the Ole Miss loss, 3 up & 3 down segment, and interview SEC Network's Tom Hart!
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson talk about the upcoming Arkansas vs. Ole Miss game and interview with Aaron Torres!
Phil and Tye discuss Hudson Henry choosing Arkansas, plus Bob Holt!
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson talk about attacking the weaknesses of Ole Miss, Change My Mind, plus Bill King.
Phil and Tye recap the Arkansas vs. Alabama game and the 3 up 3 down segment.
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson talk about what fans would do if Arkansas beat Alabama and more!
Phil and Tye hit on Tua changing Alabama, interview Bob Holt, plus the You Spent What segment!