Guests- Chuck Barrett & Danny West Hogs at NBA Combine; Will The ACC Survive? Hollan SEC Pitcher of Week #Arkansas #ArkansasRazorbacks #Hogs #Hawgs #WPS #ArkansasRazorbacksPodcast #GoHogs...
11:15 – Chuck Barrett 1:15 – Danny West Hogs at NBA Combine; Will The ACC Survive? Hollan SEC Pitcher of Week Call or text, 877-377-6963
Presented by Weichert Realtors - The Griffin Company
Tye, Tommy and Chuck recap the series win over SC and much more!
Call or text in 877-377-6963
Presented by Weichert Realtors - The Griffin Company
Guests- Chuck Barrett & Clay Henry SEC Softball Tourney Begins Today in Fayetteville; Huggy Bear Sticks Foot in Mouth; Iowa Gambling Scandal?
11:15 – Chuck Barrett SEC Softball Tourney Begins Today in Fayetteville; Huggy Bear Sticks Foot in Mouth; Iowa Gambling Scandal? Call or text, 877-377-6963
Tye, Tommy and Chuck talk Arkansas Baseball, Softball and more!
Call or text in 877-377-6963
Presented by Weichert Realtors - The Griffin Company