Guests- Aaron Torres & Neal Atkinson SEC Coaches Entering ’23; Favorite All-Star Games
Presented by Weichert Realtors - The Griffin Company
Tommy & Chuck list their all time starting five in Hog Basketball history!
We have a frank discussion about the state of Razorback football following a reasonable phone call from Brian in Ozark. DQ talks about the big concert...
Guests- Kevin Bohannon Zay to MLB! Cards Find New Low; Are Hog RB’s Best Players On Field?
Tye and Tommy talk about KJ Jefferson's potential this year and more!
We recap Nick Smith’s NBA Summer League debut, talk baseball and college football with Voice of the Razorbacks and our radio pal, Chuck Barrett.
Guests- Grange Hall, Alyssa Orange & Bill King Let July Begin; Will Arkansas Ever Get a Big League Team?
Presented by Weichert Realtors - The Griffin Company
Tye, Tommy and Chuck talk Hogs FB, NBA Summer league and more!