Round Rock Classic Recap Hogs Win Two of Three in Texas
Tye & Tommy on great games between Hogs/Cats, Kyle Tucker joins, etc
Tye & Tommy on Kentucky ppl you don't like, Richard Davenport joins, etc
Round Rock Classic with Mason Choate and Robert Stewart
Tye & Tommy on the win over Florida, Joe Lunardi joins, best guy names for a new kid and more!
Tye & Tommy on Florida tonight, crazy Arkansas city names, this team vs last year's
Tye & Tommy on the win over Tennessee, baseball opening weekend, Tom Murphy
Tye & Tommy on baseball today in Baum Walker, Charlie joins to talk TN, etc
Tye & Tommy on the atmosphere on Sunday, Sounds of Baum, RD on recruiting
Tye & Tommy on the win over the Tigers, What's Your Beef, Brett Goode joins, etc
Tye & Tommy on the game tonight, what they will do during retirement, etc