The Game 102.9's Ryan Fowler joined Halftime to talk Arkansas-Alabama.
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson talk about what fans would do if Arkansas beat Alabama and more!
Jon Price joined The Morning Rush to preview the weekend
Tommy & Phil are joined by Tyler Wilson in studio to discuss keys to the Alabama game, SEC news, and more!
Phil and Tye hit on Tua changing Alabama, interview Bob Holt, plus the You Spent What segment!
John and Tommy talk about why you should go to the game and practice updates from Wednesday!
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson talk about struggling seasons, Alabama's dominance and the Change My Mind segment.
John and Tommy discuss what it will take to beat Alabama, their beef, and interview Aaron Suttles of the Athletic.
Phil Elson and Tye Richardson hit on Chevin Calloway's decision, interview Nikki Chavanelle and more!
John and Tommy talk about Chad Morris' press conference and interviewed Richard Davenport!
Phil and Tye discuss Trey Knox's commitment, moral victories, and 3 up 3 down segment with Brett Goode in studio.